16 May 2007


Minggu 13 Mey 2007 saya keluar kota dan mampir di sebuah desa sekitar 60 Km dari Palembang, terlihat gadis-gadis desa menenun kain songket Palembang, mereka hanya mengerjakan tenunan sedangkan bahan-bahannya dari Palembang dan mereka menerima upah terhadap hasil kerja nya itu. Inilah sebagian pekerjaan gadis desa di sekitar Palembang.


  1. That looks like a very artistic craft .. a special gift..

  2. Hand made, thats very special, check out the Bahasa on my site,I hope it is well done!

  3. is the end product of this hand made weave the same as your background? very beautiful

    PS. thnx for visiting my blog

  4. wow! hand made that is very good. Maybe you can post your description writing about the picture in english too so that we can learn about your city!! thanks for visiting my blog.


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